Monday, December 26, 2011

A Christmas story

Trent's first Christmas was a success! He didn't really understand what was going on and he was more excited about the wrapping paper and boxes (which I knew he would be) but it was still so much fun seeing his faces. He got a TON of new toys. We were especially excited for the walker that he got because he has been walking along side basically anything he can and so this will help him with the motion of putting one foot in front of the other. I know I shouldn't be pushing him walking as much as I am but he gets so frustrated that I know he will be happier that he's walking even though I probably won't. He also loves this little baby piano that we got him and this light up phone. Christmas came and went way to fast, as it always does, and I can't wait until next year already! Next year will be way more fun because he will understand things a little better. A little Christmas present for me from Trent was him being able to do the hand motion of "more". I have been working on baby sign language with him and one day I did it and then he did it right after me! It was so cool to see him put the two together. He has been doing it every day since and it's so exciting. We have been working on "all done" for a while and he watches me very intently when I do it but doesn't quite have the had motion down yet. But "more" is enough for me right now! If that's all I got for Christmas that would have been fine with me. For Christmas this year we went up to my parents house and it was really fun to be up there with all my family. We all spent a couple of days up there and even though it was really loud we always have the best time. I love my family so much and am so thankful for them. I love them more than anything in this world and am so glad I have them! I love how much we laugh when we get together and how many good memories we have. I love Christmas and the spirit it brings and am sad it's already gone but now on to the next thing which is Eric's birthday. I can't believe he is turning 28. What an oldie!

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