Tuesday, November 16, 2010

19 weeks..

Pregnancy highlights:
1. I have been feeling the baby move a ton. For some reason
whenever I drive in the car that's when I feel the movements
the most. Baby starts kicking like crazy. It's kind of funny.
2. We find out November 22nd what the baby is! We can't wait
to finally know what it is. It's been driving me nuts.
3. My appetite hasn't really changed. I have been waiting to get
crazy hungry like I have heard my whole life but it
hasn't come yet.
4. I don't really have cravings I just really know what 
I DON'T want.
5. My weight gain is right on track but with Thanksgiving
and Christmas coming I highly doubt it will stay 
that way.
6. I have to pee all the time which is really annoying especially
since our bathroom is upstairs.
7. I hate hate hate my stomach being hot. Everywhere else
can be warm or hot but not my stomach.
8. I have been having really bad back pain but only
in one spot. It's weird. 
9. I am way more emotional and cry at the dumbest things.
Eric's such a trooper.
10. I sleep with three pillows. Needless to say Eric and I
really need a California king.
11. According to Eric, I hit him off the bed at night in
my sleep. I don't even know I'm doing it.

So pregnancy hasn't been all that bad. Other than feeling like a whale I'm doing just great and so is baby.

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