Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9 months and counting...

My sweet little boy is 9 months! I am so blessed to have him in my life and watching him explore the world is such a joy. He has been walking along things for about 2 months now and any day he will take his first steps. He can stand on his own for about 4 seconds and then falls down. I am pretty convinced that he can walk on his own but just doesn't want to. Crawling is effective, fast and he already knows how to do it. I am totally fine with him not walking yet because I just know it will make my life a littler harder because he wants EVERYTHING he can't have, as most babies do.

He loves loves to dance. Eric and I recently watched all of the Big Bang Theory episodes (not all in one day and only a couple a day) and every time the song came on he would start flapping his arms up and down and get the biggest smile. He loves music and loves when I sing to him. When he is grumpy or mad it always helps calm him down. 

He still has no teeth! It's hilarious when he smiles wide and I see just gums. He has started giving this cheesy smile and it's hilarious to see with no teeth. Although, I am pretty sure he is teething right now because he is just biting down on everything. He has always been a drool bucket from the start so that is nothing new but anything he can get his gums on he will chomp on. 

He loves shoes and socks. It's really funny because he will take his sock off of his foot, put it in his mouth and leave it there while he crawls around and plays. He gets really mad when I take it out of his mouth and put it back on his foot.

 He LOVES baths but I have to be honest, I don't! He gets so excited and starts laughing when I get the water running and can't wait to get in but once he does all hell breaks loose. I have toys and toys but nope. All he wants to do is get my shampoo, the soap, the faucet, stand up, stand down, crawl around. When he doesn't get those things, he screams at me so by the end of it I am exhausted. I don't know if that is just Trent or if that is typical baby but I pray he grows out of it but I have a feeling that he won't.

Trent loves people. He use to be really shy but if someone walks up to him and smiles he will give them the biggest smile and wave. He loves to wave hello, goodbye and to point. He points at everything. He is my little social butterfly. 

He loves Sesame Street and especially loves Elmo. If I let him, he would probably watch Elmo all day. I'll admit, sometimes when I need a break I will put it on for 10-15 mins and just rest. When the song "Elmo's world" comes on he will start dancing and start laughing. He laughs a lot and has recently started making himself laugh. It's so cute.

I don't have any stats since his appointment is next month but I do know how much he weighs. He is 21lbs and going strong. I love his chunky thighs. He is such a sweet boy and loves to give mommy hugs and I love getting them!

(Cheesy smile)

Loves Grandma!

See, points at everything.

1 comment:

Becky Green said...

Oh he is so cute, Chelsea!! And growing so fast. Also, The Big Bang Theory is such a great show. We're watching it right now too.