Monday, April 11, 2011

Due date

I made it to 40 weeks! Finally! As I went to my doctors appointment I was trying not to get my hopes up that I had made progress but I couldn't help myself. I am so done being pregnant that I was hoping he would give me some good news. So when he checked me and told me I hadn't done anything in a week I was totally crushed. I am still 80% effaced and dilated to a two. I am at a -1 station which is good but obviously not what I had wanted to hear. But the good news is that if this baby doesn't come on his own I will be induced Thursday morning at 5:30 as he is concerned about Trent getting too big. I obviously would like to have him now but it is nice to have an end in sight. It will give me a couple of days to get everything the way I want it and then we will have him! I am nervous about the whole labor and delivery process but I feel like I am as ready as I ever will be. I know the pain will be worth every minute of it once they put him in my arms. 
Ready or not here he comes!

1 comment:

Becca Gilbert said...

YAY for Trent coming!!!! Ok so between now and Thursday you are going to hear hundreds of horror stories about inductions- but just know that some inductions are AWESOME! Mine was so smooth and just great! I loved it! So just so you know.... Can't wait to meet him!