Well it's been almost six months since I posted my New Year's resolutions and I thought I would give a quick update on how I am doing mainly to help me stay motivated.
The first on the list was to loose weight and be at what I was before I had Trent. I am happy to report that I did it! I have lost 12 pounds and I'm not stopping there! It's been really hard to stay motivated and count calories all the flippin time but it has been worth it. The funny thing is even though I have lost the weight I am still depressed about my body. I carry like all my weight in my lower stomach area and always have so when I got pregnant I thought, well there is a little extra cushion so I shouldn't get too stretched out right? WRONG. At the time, I didn't realize that I was going to have a 9lb baby and how big I would get but I got very large with Trent. Which now equals, yucky, stretched out skin that is just all in my lower stomach that I feel like won't go away. This also means muffin top. The problem is I don't have a butt so jeans that fit me around the waist are baggy in my butt, but jeans that fit my butt give me muffin top. I realize as I am writing this that I am major complaining and I should be happy that I lost weight but when you are use to being and looking a certain way your whole life it's really hard to accept the new body you have.
The second one was to cook more and once again I am happy to say I have accomplished this one as well! The month of January wasn't the greatest and was a little rough in the beginning but we only eat out once a week now and I must say I have been enjoying finding new recipes to cook with. I still love baking way more than cooking though.
The third one was to create a healthier lifestyle which I feel like I have considering I have lost weight, cook more and now run on a daily basis.
I am sad to say that being more laid back and giving people the benefit of the doubt has been harder for me than expected. I don't mean to sound mean or offensive but people are just plain stupid! I'll just leave it at that and say I am still working on this one..
I have been trying really, really hard to be a better person, especially with Eric. I sometimes am not the nicest to him and I know I take things out on him but I have been working extra hard on this because I just love the kid so dang much. I shouldn't be mean to him because I'm irritated.
Here comes the resolution that I have totally not worked on at all...being on a budget. I know with us eating out less and cooking more we aren't spending nearly as much as we were but I still want us to be on one just so we know where our finances are going.
The last three resolutions were to go outside more, which Trent and I go for a walk every day weather permitting, try and be more appreciative of Utah, haven't really worked on but it hasn't gotten worse and have a better attitude about life. The have a better attitude about life is an ironic one for me right now simply because life has been a struggle lately. Things aren't planning out the way I thought they would and there have been some set backs but I know that as long as Eric and I work together everything will be okay.
5 out of 10 accomplished so far. Meh not to bad but hopefully I can accomplish the rest these next 6 months!
Awesome job on losing the weight! I have been running consistently this year but haven't lost much because I'm still not eating the greatest. Once I stop nursing next month I hope to work on that more.
So I started a new budget system this year that we like- YNAB. (You Need A Budget) check it out! It's got a free 30 day trial and it has been good for us. There are lots of tutorials on their website! Good luck!
I'm so impressed that you even did one of your resolutions! I didn't even make any this year because I knew I would fail. And I can totally understand you still being grumpy about your body. I have had a hard time being pregnant and gaining weight and I've gotten huge so I know the aftermath won't be pretty either, but I keep telling myself it will all be worth it. We'll see how I handle it though. And Utah is fun! It's not California, but it's a beautiful place. How long will you be there for?
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